
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

It has been a year of blood, sweat, and tears

It surely wasn't what I had expected to hear.

I was hoping to hear "Are you sure, you did not escape from an insane asylum? Because you are obviously crazy about me"

A year of rejection for what I believe would change the world.

This is fine, because all great men have been rejected a hundred fold before they actually changed the world.

I am not yet done, no this is far from over.

A Hope for the Phoenix

Thursday, December 22, 2011

(from the children’s story book “A Hope for the Flowers”, please stop playing Tetris for awhile and read this wonderful book that celebrates HOPE, moving through seeming death to a new and more beautiful life, believe me when I say this book is better than random falling blocks)

I am inspired to write this article because it is Christmas Vacation and my brother is in front of the PS3 and I can’t play “Infamous”, so i went online but then I got tired of saying “Ang tagal naman dumating ng mahabang stick (Tetris)”

And… now to the story

A while ago I saw the GLITTER in the eyes of a team coordinator as she proudly presented and announced that she already had her cosplay made by her team, and I saw that three HANDSOME BUTTERFLIES helping out their team.

It was RAINING inside the office these past days and it was really dark that when I saw those three I smiled and felt that there is A Hope for the Phoenix, that these three fiery FEATHERS are doing something worthy to be part of the Phoenix, to keep the great legendary bird afloat. They have gained my admiration and it is right that their team adviser be proud of them, put them up the pedestal. They have separated themselves from the crowd of walking mannequins, aimlessly without goal and hollow, by doing what they can do and being together to keep our college above the clouds. This is the spirit of the Phoenix, we shine brightly above the clouds, shining over the darkness of blank blatantness.

In summary green team members, I will forever use you in my future sermons in the mountain where I will endlessly wait for the caterpillar to be a cocoon and be a butterfly… and for the humor of it… into a FROG to be kissed by a beautiful princess, to change into the LONG STICK… dahil kailangan ko na ng STICK at talo na ako (tetris)

Infamous Kamote

Friday, December 16, 2011

Addicted to a PS3 game

I have too much of a back log in everything


So today I write a thing about the game Infamous. In infamous you play as Cole, he gained super electrical powers after an explosion that wipes out an entire city. You then play a sandbox type of game jumping from building to building. This is just half the fun, the neat part of the game is your Karma, you get to choose where to use your powers, either for good or evil.

Like in a situation your jumping from building to building, you see a police station being attacked by a gang, you could choose to help the police or help the gang blow up the police station. and I choose to let them slug them out and I rule the city.

But some of the morality in the game, and their reasoning are questionable