(Animax Part 7) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle... We Want LaMB

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

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Video 1: Reduce reuse, Recycle... We want LaMB
The best way I can think to save the environment is I join the fight and educate people on how we could make a difference no matter how small. We had an "Amazing Race" rip-off and they must perform task related to saving the environment. The video is the finish line where they have to carry a team-mate and shout an environmentalist slogan and a LamB fanatic slogan. We have achieved our goal to educate and be LAMINATED.

If the embedded video doesn't work please click HERE

Video 2: Sound Clip 39 LIVE(for LaMB OST)
I performed my original composition for LaMB in front of a live audience, I will let the video speak for itself. My out of tune concert started with the lines "This song is inspired by LaMB the animation on Animax, coming out this 2009... and I dedicate this song to a very special girl in my life"

Question: Lamination is considered a form of recycling by the Central Administration Bureau of Cerra (CABC). If you worked for the CABC, what other policies would you implement to help preserve the environment?

I have already been working to save our environment since I was in elementary, and I have followed 100 ways to save our environment.

Check this site http://www.seql.org/100ways.cfm (100 ways to save the environment)
and please do
watch "An Inconvenient Truth", a documentary film by Al Gore

But the best policy I can create is to EDUCATE people about the hope for our one and only home. I may start small but with people paying it forward I know I could make a difference. I may not be as influential as Al Gore but I know I'm doing my part.

This week has been totally insane for me and the best is yet to come. We are having a festival at our college and my quest to let them know about LaMB and saving the environment continues as 3,000 Information Technology people from different provinces converge in our school.

Global warming is the most serious environmental problem, and maybe the most serious problem of them all, that the world faces in this century. I want to make sure the world that gets passed onto my children and grandchildren is one that I would want to live in. The only way that I think I can ensure that is by getting into the fight, making sure that each of us does what we can do to stop the problem, making sure that our politicians take the measures to assure that we are going to slow global warming, stabilize the atmosphere and again pass on a world to our children and grandchildren that we would want to live in.