The Serendipity of Serendipity Day 3

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Emperor and Queen of the Night in their Two is Better than One Dance

People panic when I don't have a plan, I don't really plan, its a God given talent that I just cross the bridge the moment I am the bridge. I like this party we had, there was no program, there was no plan, all was handed to serendipity... It was random we had the most fun.

Order from chaos, serendipity. From what is not, it is.

The world is but a constant change, we are there to discover, we are for serendipity. The serendipity of serendipity.

It is Serendipity that brought us Together.

Kamote is "Crazy for You"

I never tasted alcohol... so this must mean...

DOTA Tournament


Angel Sanctuary

Now that's What we Call a Voice Box

Why the Heck are you so tall?


Why the Heck are you so Tall?

A Dream Surprise

The plan was simple, place some red stuff on the passenger seat.

Pick up Mooch and Surprise Her. EPIC SUCCESS!

Go to our favorite SUBWAY!

The Serendipity of a Cosplayer and The Kamote Photographer Day 2

Monday, January 25, 2010

Kamote Rocks the House before the Cosplay Competition

Cosplay is FUN FUN FUN!

The SENIORS of the CCS Cosplay

Valentine and Tobi

Mooch Valentine from Guilty Gear 2: Overture

HItman Reborn / Mafia and Anbu Group

Will Smith, Zombie and Pea Shooter from Plants Vs Zombies

The Alluring Poison Ivy

Go GREEN team

Anbu uses Hidden Choo Nojutsu on Nefertini

A cosplay before the cosplay competition

Kawaii Cosplayers in an Acoustic Band

Zombie ate my Brain


Haruhi Suzumiya

Chi from Chobits

Disney's Maleficient from Sleeping Beauty

Sailor Mars

Cosplay Judges are also in Costume

MIsa from Deathnote

Hitman Reborn Group

Anbu Group with Akatsuki Tobi

Tobi pawns Anbu

Amon Ra pairs up with Anbu classmate

Gabranth from Final Fantasy

Light from Deathnote

Plants Vs Zombies

Sailor Mars

You DONT want to see me ANGRYYYYYYYY


I'm gonna Eat your Brain

Awesome Haruhi Reach for the Skies

Ultimate Cosplay Crossdresser