BlackBerry Jam Asia 2012 in Thailand

Saturday, December 8, 2012

BlackBerry Jam Asia 2012 in Bangkok Thailand

To describe the BlackBerry Jam as "Amazing" would be an understatement.
Gordon College of the Philippine's BB Academic Program meets with  BlackBerry Innovation Center of Bandung Indonesia. Two nations with one great goal. Grandy and Nurul are now my facebook buddies, is was nice to meet them. I am most definitely excited  to work with them in the future.
Early bird registration, registered a day before the event. Registration is through the BlackBerry Playbook with  bluetooth keyboard
Developers excitedly await for the latest news to be announced in the General Session.

Playbook in HD, trying out HDMI on the Gameloft Booth. I tell my students to learn from Gameloft in game development and with their business model

PRESS briefing during lunch Day 2, Ms. Erlinda Casela and me meets with the press to discuss about  the BlackBerry Academic Program in the Philippines. Mr. John Bibal II was also there together with Ms. Car and Mr. Pete of PinoyBBDev
BlackBerry Shopaholic. We want BlackBerry stuff.
Be One of Us. Mr. Justin Lee proudly shows the custom made BBMe Gordon College tshirt

RIM really knows how to throw a party!

BB10 in 10. that's BB10 in 10 minutes. Create a BlackBerry applcation in just 10 minutes, with the BlackBerry App generator. App Generator Here

Attending the laboratory session and the plenary sessions, absorbing every bit as much as I can to  echo to my students. I learned a lot. It was quite the experience to rub elbows with developers of software you use in your work. It was like having technical support not through phone or email but beside you. 

Random Stuff from Siam!

International Dish for BB Jam Attendees
Gordon College CCS BlackBerry Academic Program shirts