I have Delusional Parasitosis and You're a Liar and a Hypocrite

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

*Wasted Kamote (Yeah Right!)*

(If your not a cretin and know me you probably know that this picture is fake, but you don't know me and you only pretend to know me, so that makes you a dolt. I'm sorry I suck at pretending to be miserable. I haven't tasted any alcoholic drink nor tasted tobacco since I was perceived.)

Had an epiphany while waiting for pizza with Mooch. She brought back my Mojo with a threat. Having so much fun I was not the person I was.

I made an anonymous blog long time ago (a few weeks is a long time) and nobody knows I have it, even me. If you think this anonymous blog is true then welcome to my world... you are also delusional. Do you want to know the creative world I made which nobody knows that was materialized through a bug? (Delusional Parasitosis). It was so crazy I had evil laughs while making the non existent log of the fight I'm too lazy to fight for . Its fake I didn't make it and you're a liar and a hypocrite.

F*C*Y*U****N*.foolishblog.notcom - don't be a dimwit I'm not cussing and that is a pun from a Filipino author. It doesn't exist and I love screwing with people's minds.




(If I am the heartless bastard you think I am I wouldn't receive gifts of appreciation for my heroism, affection, altruism, amiability, beneficence, benevolence, charity, clemency, consideration, cordiality, courtesy, decency, delicacy, fellow feeling, forbearance, gentleness, good intention, good will, goodness, grace, graciousness, heart, helpfulness, hospitality, humanity, indulgence, kindliness, magnanimity, mildness, patience, philanthropy, serviceability, solicitousness, solicitude, sweetness, sympathy, tact, tenderness, thoughtfulness, tolerance, understanding, unselfishness etc.)

So by theory my jerkiness is kindness, I win, I got a dog tag I have been wishing to have, a cologne and a can of Piknik and I had more already I hid away. I am evil in a good way, or good in an evil way.

(I'm back staring blankly to space, carpe diem... when inspired though at a speeding bus in a zig zag... go for it)