Kamote Empire VS an Insect Fastfood and A not-Chinese Restaurant in a Euphemistic Court

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Polite Fiction

A drooling intellectually challenged stink bug once said "I had tears when they showed me a video of a child diagnosed with C, the child wanted to have a burger from the insect fast food before he goes up the clouds." (That drooling intellectually challenged stink bug is cosmetically challenged and is also mentally challenged)

10 out of 10 nutritionists would say that eating at fast food is suicidal.

Why wont you shed tears for the millions of people that are having a hard time, ill, or have lost their lives by eating fast food?

Why wont you cry a river for those who have lost a love one from obesity, from heart failure, from kidney failure, brain damage, and hypertension. (or a combination of all)

10 out of 10 environmentalist would say that they are not saving our only home.

Why wont you realize that even a hundred Earth Hours would not be enough to clean up the sanitary problems caused by the non-biodegradable trash dumped everyday from styro foams and plastic which are only used a few minutes?

You have your own free will to eat or not from our fast food.

(I think they drank too much)

On the contrary all your food have addictive substance that make people come back for more. No will power can fight the chemicals that are produced in the brain.

Even the colors they use are meant to deceive people into making them think that they are hungry.

You have conditioned children to believe that they will have happy moments when they come to your place. It will all soon be too late, a hard hitting realization that happiness is not jolly.

Do you love yourself?

Do you love your family and friends?

Do you love our only home?

We are still lucky, pigs and cows are not endangered species.

(Phillipines Poverty Divide an example of the modern juxtaposed with the old)


From the Insect Fast Food (Mickey Mouse will always be a rodent, and an insect will always be an insect)

I ordered a burger because I only want a burger, and a burger is what I want. When I got the order it had fries and softdrinks with it. I asked the cashier/clerk/crew why I had to pay for something I did not order. She said that I could save more if I buy the burger with the fries and softdrinks.

From the not-Chinese Restaurant (King is not a Chinese word, and they don't have a King in China, not that I know off)

The fried rice cost 39, the cashier/clerk/crew asked for an exact amount. I gave 40. She gave me a number, number 107. All the other customers with numbers up to 159 got their orders already. It had been an hour, I think they forgot about me. I went to the crew and followed up on my order. She said she was sorry she gave me the wrong number, my order was there the whole time in a table with my real number, number 115. They had my number with my order, how convenient.

From the King of Chicken

"Sir we don't have anymore chickens, would you like a burger instead?"