The Intramural Endlessness of Life

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Zzz... the only college sleepy for the Sportsfest

Rocking CCS Badminton Team, I forgot to thank everyone of these kick ass players that we had the best time in two months, thank you for that.

This is a D.I.Y. TAG post patterned from the great REENA, I did promise to TAG so here it goes and I hope I can do her work justice.

Intramurals are for discipline and sportsmanship as they say.

But behind the facade of such a beautiful goal are lessons I magically learned, a hidden curriculum brought about by another school activity.

1. "HEIGHT" cannot be trained.

2. There is such as being at the right place at the right time in a ball game, and there is definitely being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

3. Skill and talent are useless against referees who don't have a thing for you.

4. We tops games such as bowling and billiards because it does not require height but requires little strength and tons of luck.

5. The sports saying "Bilog ang Bola" (The ball is circular) does not apply to Badminton.

6. Amateur basketball for women is a combination of football, wrestling, track and field, boxing, and Mixed Martial Arts.

7. Being a player in Swimming doesn't necessarily mean that you know how to swim, if you can walk to the end of the pool while your arms do a swimming motion that will do.

8. "Laro ng Lahi" (Nationalistic Games) have somehow nothing to do with being a Filipino.

9. People don't remember how many points you got in basketball but will remember the time you rolled from the three point line to the free throw line.

10. If a ball is meant to hit your face, it will hit your face no matter how much you try to evade it.

11. Why do team names include a terrifying animal as symbol? Why not use poodles, frogs, or rabbits? We could have THE (Insert School Name) Shitzus

12. It is somewhat alright to have below to average grades in school if you can contribute 80% of your team's score.

13. Anyone who can contribute 80% of the team's score will be a hunk during the duration of the game only.

14. Basketball teams should have acting seminars included in their training.

15. The number of my uniform on the next intramural will be 3.1416 and the name on the back will say "PI", or the name says "Ver." then the number 1.2

16. The Sportsmanship award is given to the team with the most __________ (fill in the blank).

17. Fencing is not barricading.

18. The same bowling ball gets heavier by 5 pounds for every throw.

19. Adrenaline is a good pain killer, too bad you cannot produce it continuously for five days.

20. No retreat, No Surrender. I got something better "We will make them retreat and surrender".

Basketball women coach and mascot


Reena said...

hahaha. oh my gosh you are so good!! ang lalim naman ng tag na to. hehe :) this is very witty! i enjoy every bit of it.

kamote said...

I got it from you, credit goes to you wuhuu

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this
